Today is the last 4 SIVITS-show. we have to tell you that THE 4 SIVITS are playing the last show ever on saturday oct. 25th. for most of you are no chance to see us live on that show. some of you were asking us to make it possible to watch it over internet.
we find a way to do it. we haven't any experience about quality of video and sounds so please forgive us, if you can not see all!
the livestream starts saturday around 6:30pm german time. Check
http://www.mogulus.com/kombilive & have a nice time with us!
Heute Abend steigt die allerletzte Show der 4 SIVITS. Wer nicht selbst dabei sein kann, hat die Möglichkeit, sich das ganze per Livestream anzuschauen, Link für die Live-Übertragung ist
http://www.mogulus.com/kombilive o. unten!
Der Livestream ist ab ca. 18:30 Uhr geplant, wo auch in etwa Konzert beginnen wird.